Recent Home Theater Editorials
New Partnership To Make Dirac Live Integration Easier For Audio Manufacturers

A new partnership integrates Dirac Live room correction into the Peerless Flow DSP platform, enabling home and pro audio companies to integrate Dirac Live seamlessly and efficiently.
Manufacturer Review Response Form Letter

In an effort to facilitate the review process, the Audioholics staff has come up with a form letter that Manufacturers can use to reply to a review during any point of the review process. …
AVRant #15: Freaky Penguins Must Die

Tom and Dina catch up on their mini-movie reviews (hence the title of the episode). Tom reveals how his evil son broke his sub (guess how happy he is about that?). They discuss man caves, what can go …
AVRant #14: Release the Geek

Kurt takes a stab at the correct Denon pronunciation which leads into a discussion of other alternate pronunciations. Bobmac's rant comes up (Tom talks about his mom), Tom challenges you to let your …
Ask AVRant #4: What does OCD stand for again?

Because of unforeseen problems (i.e. it’s Dina’s fault) the regularly scheduled podcast will be delayed. Instead, we’ll be bringing you an episode of Ask AVRant. Eric wants to know about chipsets, …
AVRant #13: Whatever you need, Dina is here

What do you do with neighbors who don't understand the unmitigated glory that is a 17Hz test tone? How dirty is your local Cineplex? What's it like going from a big TV back to a small one? Does …
MP3s Made Me Dumb

That isn’t to say that my IQ has in any way suffered at the hands of the miracles of algorithmic digital compression, in some ways it’s even quite the contrary. The problem isn’t that my overall …
Is HD DVD Trying to Lose?

As many of you know I have been somewhat of a critic of the high definition DVD format war. I have never understood how apparent shortsightedness and desire for short-term corporate licensing profits …
AVRant #12: Putting your peg leg down

Arrg matie! It's a pirate show today (not really). It is listener question day as Dina and Tom discuss audio elitism including a long discussion on price points and what are some of Tom's review …
AVRant #11: The Family That Kills Together, Stays Together

Dina reveals her deep and unnatural love for Mario Bros, sniping, and Marky Mark. We discuss video games, their ratings, the target audience, and how Tom thinks you should get out of the video game …
AVRant #10: Tom is a Badass and Dina is Evil

Dina and Tom finish their discussion of her undercover trip to Best Buy. This one is all about cables and power. John could have suggested using the analogue inputs for high def audio but that was …
Audioholics 9th Annual "State of the CE Union" Event and Party

Join us in Clearwater Beach, Florida on October 5th at the 9th Annual State of the CE Union Party Event. The event features 4 live 7.1 A/V demo rooms, a formal dining event and much more. The …
Free Markets vs. Corporate Greed ‑ Analysis of the HD Format War

There seems to be a bit of misunderstanding as to the nature of true competition and the nature of government intervention in the free market. As our model for discussion, let's take the European …
Ask AVRant #3: Calibration

Kurt wants to know about the BFD while Matt is curious about calibration equipment in general. Since these are both related J and I went ahead and answered them together. We cover not only what …
Four AV Tips for the Fourth of July

We at Audioholics hope you and your family are having a great mid-week holiday vacation. If your employer didn't give you the day off, well then be sure to cover his office in saran wrap or encase …
AVRant #9: Best Buy Infiltration Part 1

Dina continues her undercover operation uncovering just the type of BS your big box stores are feeding people. This time, it's Best Buy. We were shocked to learn some of the things that pass for …
AVRant #8: That's How We Roll

How to stave off buyer's remorse, white van speakers, plasma burn-in, and power conditioners. Seem unrelated? Well, they aren't. Listen in to find out how.
Stop Playing Games and Do Your Homework Dad!

My recent editorial on the release of Manhunt 2 brought up some interesting comments, not the least of which was a general dissatisfaction with the idea that video games are just for kids. Gamers are …
Video Games as Art?

The eye of the beholder indeed. Rockstar Games recent non-release Manhunt 2 is being touted as "art" by Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. Chairman Strauss Zelnick according to an article by Reuters. …
AVRant #7: The Best Seat in the House

This week we conclude our discussion of the Circuit City undercover operation. Tom shares his listening experience with $25,000 electrostats - hence the title of the Podcast. Some more discussion …
Ask AVRant #1: Cats and Qualifications

AVRant has issued its first installment of Ask AVRant. J. Walker Clarke (a fellow reviewer and husband to the Podcasting phenomena that is our very own Dina) joins Tom in a more technical discussion. …
10 MORE Reasons Why HD‑DVD Formats Have Already Failed

OK, the the title is a tad-bit deceiving. It's been almost a year now since I wrote my popular yet controversial diatribe on the demise of the competing high definition DVD formats. I wrote the …
AVRant #6: Circuit City Exposed!

AVRant gets interesting this week as Tom and Dina actually meet in person for the first time in beautiful (hot, sticky, humid, sweaty) South Carolina. This podcast was done in Dina’s recording room …
Golf Ball‑Sized Speakers? What's Next?

Back in the 60s and 70s stereo systems were judged not necessarily for their fidelity, but for the size and number of their woofers. Just take a gander at just about any speaker system back in the …
AVRant #4: You paid HOW MUCH for those rocks?!?

That's right, it's tweak time. Time to introduce Dina to the wonderful world of hi-end audio. We dive right in the deep end with magic rocks, magic cables, and a bunch of other magic stuff. You KNOW …
AVRant #3: We don't go to the movies

The movies come to us! During this week's Podcast, we’ve got it all for you. Simultaneous theater/DVD/on-demand movie releases, kids+home theater=bad?, home theater calibration options, wireless …
People in Ivory Towers shouldn't throw Glass Rocks

We've seen a baffling trend lately, something that is not new or specific to AV. It causes us a lot of concern and we hope that in the future these occurrences will not repeat. It happens in AV, it …
AVRant #2: Kurt loves us!

We got our first call! Kurt’s the man! We discuss how audiophiles react to simple questions, HDTV in general, routing your video connections through your receiver, and video game movies. There are a …
The Demise of the CD Album

In the 50s it was the rage, the 45 single. The pop-music industry was born out of the frenzy produced by one-hit wonders and the teenagers that fueled the demand. The singles-market reigned supreme …