I'm not in my 20s anymore...



Senior Audioholic
Long time no see AH. About 6 months ago I had a nasty back injury that put me down big time. I was lifting a new BBQ up the stairs on to my deck. I lifted more with my lower back, rather than my legs due to the angle and there it went. Unfortunately, I herniated a disc, several bulging discs, and some stenosis. I now have arthritis in my low back and I'm only in my early 30s :(

I've been listening to tons of music which has helped a lot with the recovery but TBH it's been brutal. I thought I would take x2 weeks to heal and now I'm at x6 months with chronic pain and some sciatica. It's been a humbling experience, to say the least. I've taken my body for granted until this injury. I'm trying to stay optimistic and hoping the pain gets to a more manageable point by the end of the year. Thankfully the pain is not super local and hops around the different spots of the lower back. I've been making a point to walk for 15-30 mins a day, doing all the PT and get back to moving around more. After 6th months I've lost a lot of strength.

Has anybody else here had a back injury & any suggestions for recovery/ timelines?


Audioholic General
Long time no see AH. About 6 months ago I had a nasty back injury that put me down big time. I was lifting a new BBQ up the stairs on to my deck. I lifted more with my lower back, rather than my legs due to the angle and there it went. Unfortunately, I herniated a disc, several bulging discs, and some stenosis. I now have arthritis in my low back and I'm only in my early 30s :(

I've been listening to tons of music which has helped a lot with the recovery but TBH it's been brutal. I thought I would take x2 weeks to heal and now I'm at x6 months with chronic pain and some sciatica. It's been a humbling experience, to say the least. I've taken my body for granted until this injury. I'm trying to stay optimistic and hoping the pain gets to a more manageable point by the end of the year. Thankfully the pain is not super local and hops around the different spots of the lower back. I've been making a point to walk for 15-30 mins a day, doing all the PT and get back to moving around more. After 6th months I've lost a lot of strength.

Has anybody else here had a back injury & any suggestions for recovery/ timelines?
About 12 years ago, I couldn't move out of bed one morning....back was locked up.
I never had a previous issue with my back...I'm 67 now.
Someone limped me to the chiropractors, and he x-rayed my back and asked "when was your accident?"
Never had an accident.
My lower 3 discs are kicked to the left...how, I don't know.

Best advice I can give is keep your upper body strength up to "hold" yourself properly, and keep your weight down....that's worked for me as nothing was ever done about my back.
I do have days when it gets tender though...it goes away.


Audioholic Ninja
just the untold impact of aging. Our minds say, go ahead you can do it, the body says, hell no, don't make me do it, you'll be sorry . Boy do I know this to be true at 71.


Senior Audioholic
just the untold impact of aging. Our minds say, go ahead you can do it, the body says, hell no, don't make me do it, you'll be sorry . Boy do I know this to be true at 71.
Boy, your right about that!


Audioholic Jedi
Sorry to hear. Just sucks. That's just really bad luck.

I think time, light walking, and minimal pressure on your back is the right thing to do for now.

Maybe after a year, you might be able to do some light workout that could strengthen your back/body muscle.


Audioholic Jedi
My son in law had a back injury with a herniated disc and it bothered him for years. He ended up having to have surgery. Now he still has some minor issues, but he can function pretty normal now. It was a long recovery for him as well.

The last time I went to my doctor and had some pain issues in my upper back. One of the things he said was "You're just getting older". While that is true, it isn't really want you want to hear.


Seriously, I have no life.
I worked at a lumber yard after high school graduation and didn't observe the recommendation "Don't lift and turn". I have had infrequent recurrences, but nothing too major, other than a bout of major pain in early 1997. About 6-7 years ago, I bought a foam roller and that helps almost instantly. It used to take days to recover and now, it's usually a few minutes.


Full Audioholic
I have a bulged disk between L4 and L5, plus a disk out of alignment between my shoulder blades. Arthritis set in between the L 4 and L 5. I take," Mobic" 7 mgs once a day it helps. Now, Every once in a while the disk that's out of alignment between my shoulder blades, if I pick up or turn wrong, it'll lay me up for two or three days can't move. Neurosurgeon did not want to operate on both. Said operation may make it worse.


Audioholic Samurai
About 6-7 years ago, I bought a foam roller and that helps almost instantly. It used to take days to recover and now, it's usually a few minutes.
Do you use the roller for lower back pain?

Just curious, I tweaked my lower back a few weeks ago trying to dead lift too much too soon.

It's often said that "age is just a number." In my experience, when the number is 60 it's not quite that simple.


Audioholic Jedi
That sucks, wish you rapid improvements! Thats one body part that hasn't particularly bothered me....plenty of others I have issues with but....


Audioholic Overlord
Long time no see AH. About 6 months ago I had a nasty back injury that put me down big time. I was lifting a new BBQ up the stairs on to my deck. I lifted more with my lower back, rather than my legs due to the angle and there it went. Unfortunately, I herniated a disc, several bulging discs, and some stenosis. I now have arthritis in my low back and I'm only in my early 30s :(

I've been listening to tons of music which has helped a lot with the recovery but TBH it's been brutal. I thought I would take x2 weeks to heal and now I'm at x6 months with chronic pain and some sciatica. It's been a humbling experience, to say the least. I've taken my body for granted until this injury. I'm trying to stay optimistic and hoping the pain gets to a more manageable point by the end of the year. Thankfully the pain is not super local and hops around the different spots of the lower back. I've been making a point to walk for 15-30 mins a day, doing all the PT and get back to moving around more. After 6th months I've lost a lot of strength.

Has anybody else here had a back injury & any suggestions for recovery/ timelines?
D@mn, CB. I know you mentioned this before, when last we chatted.

Back injuries are the absolute worst. Unfortunately, they are also way too common. Even people that have good strength and body mechanics can be hit by one out of nowhere.
Even hernia is like that. I was chatting with the surgeon that did my repair and he said Mr. Universe could get one just picking up a pencil!
We are fragile creatures to be certain.

From my own experiences, I know that a balance between mobility and taking it easy is required. You might not be able to do much while the healing is taking place, but do what you can without causing pain.
I know you are in a different part of the country, but I am a firm believer in good alternative care. Truly good Chiropractic and Acupuncture can be hard to find, but in my opinion is worth its weight in gold. Same with some good Massage Therapy to help keep you muscles from just knotting up.

I know a lot of people that strive to avoid surgery, but sometimes it can be the choice that makes the most sense. But I urge a practiced caution because not every surgery wins the day. I know some folk that come out on top while others lament the choice.

Beyond that... If 50 is the new 30 and you feel like that now... just wait til you really turn 30 in 20 more years!!! :eek: :p ;)


Audioholic General
I've been making a point to walk for 15-30 mins a day, doing all the PT and get back to moving around more.
Sounds like you're doing the right things. Mine lasted 10 weeks. I walked, had PT, no medications, finally it settled down. I considered taking Prednisone, but didn't.

With me, it all started by reaching over and picking up my backpack. That's all I did. It felt like a lighting bolt went right through my body. I screamed in pain. I needed to go to the Emergency ward at the hospital immediately and get on muscle relaxers and pain relievers, but I didn't. Shame on me. I have since learned.


Long time no see AH. About 6 months ago I had a nasty back injury that put me down big time. I was lifting a new BBQ up the stairs on to my deck. I lifted more with my lower back, rather than my legs due to the angle and there it went. Unfortunately, I herniated a disc, several bulging discs, and some stenosis. I now have arthritis in my low back and I'm only in my early 30s :(

I've been listening to tons of music which has helped a lot with the recovery but TBH it's been brutal. I thought I would take x2 weeks to heal and now I'm at x6 months with chronic pain and some sciatica. It's been a humbling experience, to say the least. I've taken my body for granted until this injury. I'm trying to stay optimistic and hoping the pain gets to a more manageable point by the end of the year. Thankfully the pain is not super local and hops around the different spots of the lower back. I've been making a point to walk for 15-30 mins a day, doing all the PT and get back to moving around more. After 6th months I've lost a lot of strength.

Has anybody else here had a back injury & any suggestions for recovery/ timelines?
Hey man! Sorry to hear about you injury. How mobile are you? Are you able to get any exercise in? This will greatly help with the healing process. Your main thing is to strengthen the muscles around the lower back. This includes your core. If you can, I suggest you do planks for 20 to 30 seconds. About 3 to 5 sets. Static exercises would be very good for you right now. They don't require movement and they still provide a workout. Id you can, lay on the floor and try to do Superman's. Either one sided or both. This strengthens the lower back.

There is more. But this is a good start


Seriously, I have no life.
Do you use the roller for lower back pain?

Just curious, I tweaked my lower back a few weeks ago trying to dead lift too much too soon.

It's often said that "age is just a number." In my experience, when the number is 60 it's not quite that simple.
Any back pain- I tweaked the lower at the lumber yard and have re-injured it, but I have a couple of ribs that slip out of place and it helps those, too. Before the roller, I could un-tweak it, but only if I could get it to relax enough- I lay on my back and push downward on my hips to provide a bit of traction and then, slowly cross my right leg with the left and vise-versa. When it goes back into alignment, I do it without a hard jerk and all I hear is a slight click, then repeat for the other side. After that, I pull my knees toward my chest, to stretch the back muscles.

I have watched chiropractors on YT and don't like the violent way they manipulate peoples' spines. They say it has to be unexpected in order to prevent the patient tensing ahead of the motion, but prefer massage. They also have a device called a Y strap and if I were to go to a Chiro and they try to use that, it's gonna be ugly. I have seen other videos of Orthopedic Surgeons watching this device being used and they were shocked that it's allowed.

I read, a long time ago, that after doing back bridges (laying on the stomach and lifting the arms and legs), the muscles are more relaxed than before- I tried it and it can help. It hurts while doing this, but it can help.

I knew a nurse who had chronic back problems and she aggravated it while a group of us were at a beach while camping- she grabbed the towel under a huge guy and jerked it, to try to get him to roll over and the jerking is what caused the problem.

Age can be 'just a number', but at some point, people stop doing strenuous activities and then, they try to lift something heavy- it rarely goes well. I'll be 67 in about two weeks and I was on my extension ladder yesterday, to clear out a downspout. I used my 'Little Giant' knockoff ladder which weighs roughly 80 pounds and had to carry it more than 50', just to move it from my garage, then had to extend it and raise the legs. I'm also 6'-2" and would never try this if I hadn't continued to lift heavy objects or if I wasn't as tall because it's awkward enough at my height- it would be much easier for it to tip over from a lower position. If I had worked at a desk for years, I wouldn't be doing this stuff but I look at it as exercise without using that kind of equipment.
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Seriously, I have no life.
Hey man! Sorry to hear about you injury. How mobile are you? Are you able to get any exercise in? This will greatly help with the healing process. Your main thing is to strengthen the muscles around the lower back. This includes your core. If you can, I suggest you do planks for 20 to 30 seconds. About 3 to 5 sets. Static exercises would be very good for you right now. They don't require movement and they still provide a workout. Id you can, lay on the floor and try to do Superman's. Either one sided or both. This strengthens the lower back.

There is more. But this is a good start
Planks are good, crunches need to be done carefully to avoid injury. When I was a member at Anytime Fitness, one of the trainers challenged me by saying "I bet I can plank longer than you". I almost asked if she meant that in the way I thought, but then said "I doubt it". We stopped after about 3-1/2 minutes. She's about 20 years younger and this was roughly 15 years ago, so I would have been over 50. By that point in my workouts, I had decided the treadmill at full slope wasn't strenuous enough, so I started using the stairway at the lakefront, which has six flights of 12 steps and I was doing two sets every time. Then, I reached four sets and eventually started doing two sets at double-time.


Senior Audioholic
I know you are in a different part of the country, but I am a firm believer in good alternative care. Truly good Chiropractic and Acupuncture can be hard to find, but in my opinion is worth its weight in gold. Same with some good Massage Therapy to help keep you muscles from just knotting up.
So I'm doing acupuncture once a week and I find it to be less helpful than dry needing at the PT. Also, I'm doing turmeric & ginger gummies along with mint tea daily. Can't say it really helps but it's worth a shot. Thankfully I think I've made it through the worst of the pain. The deep disc pain has finally dissipated and things are much more manageable. Very scared to take painkillers for fear of addiction, however, I draw the line when I have pain that I can't sleep through. I can now understand long-term opioid use from a quality-of-life perspective. If I had to live in a 10/10 pain everyday iishhhh ya I'd be ok with being addicted.

Beyond that... If 50 is the new 30 and you feel like that now... just wait til you really turn 30 in 20 more years!!! :eek: :p ;)
Send me to the nursing home and get me the IV morphine! Surprisingly my dad is 75 & in better shape than me with less pain than me. He really took good care of himself besides being overweight & it sure seemed to pay off dividends.

How mobile are you? Are you able to get any exercise in?
Waking for 15, recumbent bike for 15, I do some very light weights the gym, PT exercises, and working with the trainer, which has been great. Three months ago it took me almost 30 minutes to get out of bed and now it takes me 5. I'm making progress & I attribute that to daily motion/ strengthening exercises but still moving with caution and got a long way to go.


Senior Audioholic
I have watched chiropractors on YT and don't like the violent way they manipulate peoples' spines.
Agreed. Had a bad experience with a chiro cracking my neck about 5 years ago. Wound my getting an MRI and everything was fine but I had horrible muscle spasms for about a year. Check this out.



Audioholic Overlord
So I'm doing acupuncture once a week and I find it to be less helpful than dry needing at the PT. Also, I'm doing turmeric & ginger gummies along with mint tea daily. Can't say it really helps but it's worth a shot. Thankfully I think I've made it through the worst of the pain. The deep disc pain has finally dissipated and things are much more manageable. Very scared to take painkillers for fear of addiction, however, I draw the line when I have pain that I can't sleep through. I can now understand long-term opioid use from a quality-of-life perspective. If I had to live in a 10/10 pain everyday iishhhh ya I'd be ok with being addicted.
Good acupuncture is an interesting beast. I've had both, good and bad. A good practitioner with a gentle needle technique will be pretty subtle as far as the effect goes and you really need to be in the mindset to do it, be patient and take on anything else the practitioner recommends as far as things you can do to help.
On the other hand, I've had acupuncture from a Kung Fu and Tai Chi Grandmaster. There was nothing subtle about his technique and it felt like I was being electrocuted at times! It did, however, really help my knee. I was recovering from surgery to clean up a torn Meniscus.

The Chiro thing is tricky. Spinal manipulation has been going on for a long time. It still has very widely held beliefs about efficacy.
In the Midwest, there is a Chiropractic School, Logan I think, that has a more gentle approach than just cracking your back. I'm not a medical professional by any stretch so won't put out any advice on which is better.
However, a severe injury and a smart Chiro I would hope results in a cautious and delicate approach. I have heard of, and know some folk with bad problems, who have been injured more by a Chiro who thinks they can cure the world.

Which gets to the point about Healers (not the mystical kind, but those who really are out to do good...): there is a trap that such practitioners fall into where they DO think they can heal everything and can easily do more harm than good.
It's a balance point and a risk.

I've had two Chiros out here that have injured me to some extent and I left them both very quickly as I started experiencing negative effects. One guy worked my back over so hard I could pop it for a week just by thinking it and I'm pretty certain he bruised the muscles around the adjustment spot he was forcing to get movement at.
The other guy was highly recommended but was really just an ambulance chaser. I went to him after being rear ended and having some whiplash. He kept adding in extra treatments and every time I had a session with him I would have these really gnarly deep headaches. That all stopped as soon as I stopped treatment from him.
I think that's when I ended up going to a guy who was the team Chiro for the SF Giants... he was good. ;)

As before, there can be benefits for alternative care, but definitely not for everybody.
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Seriously, I have no life.
Agreed. Had a bad experience with a chiro cracking my neck about 5 years ago. Wound my getting an MRI and everything was fine but I had horrible muscle spasms for about a year. Check this out.

I don't know of anyone who goes to a Chiro on a regular basis and were cured- they always need to go back for more adjustments. While I agree that our skeleton needs to be in alignment, jerking an yanking parts in a completely unnatural direction and force really bothers me, especially if it's the neck.

Another part of many videos that really annoys me- they raise both feet, to show that one leg is longer than the other and after manipulation, they show both feet as the same length, but the camera angle is completely different and wrong.


Audioholic Overlord
I don't know of anyone who goes to a Chiro on a regular basis and were cured- they always need to go back for more adjustments. While I agree that our skeleton needs to be in alignment, jerking an yanking parts in a completely unnatural direction and force really bothers me, especially if it's the neck.

Another part of many videos that really annoys me- they raise both feet, to show that one leg is longer than the other and after manipulation, they show both feet as the same length, but the camera angle is completely different and wrong.

Do you audition audio gear over YouTube as well?


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