1 speaker has no audio when played via Bluetooth?



Hello, this amplifier that enables Radio or Bluetooth (for phone audio), when on Radio has audio on 2 speakers, however when on AUX/Bluetooth has audio on only 1 speaker?
Screenshot from 2024-04-03 11-38-25.png


Hello, I usually get told off if I ask a separate question in the same thread.


Audioholic Warlord
Bypass the speaker box, and test each output individually.

Be realistic here: This is a incredibly cheap product. Like, $30 or so. Maybe $40. It wasn't designed to be good. It was designed to make basic audio, for as long as it lasts, then be tossed in the trash. Like Pyle or other gear that's just bottom of the line. It works, but it never tends to work well, or for a long time.

If testing it, then you test it. If it doesn't work, then you throw it away. That's all there is to it.

There are replacement products on Amazon from just over $20 with just Bluetooth. About $38 for something that would be fully featured, but similar in quality...

But, skip the speaker box thing completely when testing for problems to take that out of the loop as a potential problem.

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