Marvel movies/TV series Discussion Thread



Senior Audioholic
Full disclosure: I'm a Marvel Zombie. When it comes to comic books, movies etc, as Stan Lee (RIP) would say 'Make mine Marvel !'.

I haven't collected comic books since I was a kid, but I had a few buddies who still dabbled, so I kept up with it over the years. When they started making good movies (starting with the first X-Men and then Spider-Man movies) I was like a kid in a candy store. I've followed the MCU since then, and have seen every movie in the library (except that terrible Fantastic Four remake in 2015, which I absolutely refuse to watch) at least 2x, and the majority of them in the theatre.

I also throughly enjoyed the Netflix Marvel shows, though due to work and homelife commitments I didn't quite get to watch all of the season of all of the shows before they left Netflix. I've yet to finish watching season 2 of Luke Cage, and Iron First. Otherwise, I've watched all the rest. I never got into the Inhumans, nor Agents of SHIELD. I am excited about the upcoming Disney+ series: WandaVision, Falcon and The Winter Soldier and Loki, and cautiously optimistic about some of the other shows they've announced.

Without further adieu, here are my top 10 Marvel movies:

1) The Avengers
2) Captain America and The Winter Soldier
3) Logan
4) Deadpool
5) Thor: Ragnarok
6) Guardians of The Galaxy: Volume 1
7) Iron Man 1
8) Dr. Strange
9) Avengers: Infinity War
10) DoFP

Honourable mention:

Hulk (Ang Lee version)
GoTG: Volume 2
X-Men First Class

I look forward to your personal ratings, and any discussion on the topic at hand.


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Audioholic Spartan
Ang Lee’s movie was actually “Hulk”, not “The Hulk.” ;) I liked it. Still have it on HD DVD.
James S.

James S.

Junior Audioholic
I loved all the Marvel movies also. Have them all. In the middle of watching the X-men series. Next up tonight is Logan.


Audioholic Jedi
Well I had to look up GotG and DoFP even tho the former is one of my favorites in the MCU (but I usually don't use "MCU" either). Seems Deadpool is not yet (until # 3) part of the MCU? Doesn't appear Ang Lee's Hulk is either according to the wiki entry for MCU. My top three are/were Deadpool, GotG and Ant Man....but if Deadpool is not allowed maybe Iron Man could sneak in.


Audioholic Spartan
Well, MCU would be any of the Marvel Studios produced movies first distributed by Paramount. Then, Disney bought Marvel Studios. Fox still had the rights to the X-Men, The Fantastic Four, The New Mutants and Deadpool. Then, Disney bought Fox Studios. Sony still has the rights to Spiderman but collaborated with Disney on a few films. Universal has first refusal rights to the Hulk but Marvel can use him in team up movies but not solo movies. I think Ghost Rider is with Marvel after Sony movies flopped. Oh, and Blade is now part of the MCU. We’ll see what Disney does with an R-rated Deadpool and if Blade gets an R rating. I like all of the Marvel comic book movies save for Toby Maguire’s Spiderman movies, he was a miscast twerp, and the last Fantastic Four movie. Yikes, what a piece of s#%t!:eek: I think Captain America: TWS and GOTG did the most to season the MCU and it showed in all of the movies that followed them.


Senior Audioholic
Damn, how could I have forgotten about Deadpool? Serious brain fart on my part. The first one is definitely in my top ten Marvel movies. Now I've got to edit the OP.

It'll be interesting to see how they incorporate the X-Men universe and the Fantastic Four into the main MCU.


Senior Audioholic
Well I had to look up GotG and DoFP even tho the former is one of my favorites in the MCU (but I usually don't use "MCU" either). Seems Deadpool is not yet (until # 3) part of the MCU? Doesn't appear Ang Lee's Hulk is either according to the wiki entry for MCU. My top three are/were Deadpool, GotG and Ant Man....but if Deadpool is not allowed maybe Iron Man could sneak in.
You can include any Marvel movies you want, they don't have to be a part of the main MCU, just your personal favorites.


Senior Audioholic
Treb's explanation/corporate history of the "brand" helped too :)
Yeah, It can get quite convoluted if you're just a casual follower.

The main MCU really kicked off with the release of Iron Man in 2008. That's when they started tying all of the universe together. I believe, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, that the end credits scene for Iron Man 1 had Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) walking into his Malibu mansion and Nic Fury (Samuel L Jackson) waiting for him to talk to him about creating the Avengers. I got chills when I saw that for the first time in theatre. My inner geek, geeked out.


Audioholic Jedi
Definitely casual, never read any of the comics (I was more a fan of underground comics :) ).


Audioholic Spartan
I remember going to a Las Vegas comic con a few years ago, nerd alert, and listening to Rob Liefeld talk about Deadpool. He said Fox Studios f#%ked it up with X-Men Origins: Wolverine and that Ryan Reynolds fought hard to get a good Deadpool movie made. The studio thought Gambit was going to be a big deal and Ryan said they were wrong. His star dimmed a bit after "Green Lantern" and some other movies and it wasn't until certain people were changed out at Fox that he got the chance to do a good Deadpool. Rob said Ryan deserves most of the credit for Deadpool for fighting so hard and not giving up on it. When talking about his own kids, Rob said that they would invite their friends over to play video games and they all wanted to be Deadpool because it would take lots of other characters to bring him down because he was so bad ass. He said he knew that if Deadpool was done correctly it would be a huge hit. Deadpool merchandise was already huge. He also made it a point to answer the question on everybody's mind and said that Fox would never give up the X-Men or any related characters to the MCU. So, Disney just went and bought Fox altogether save for the news component. We'll see how they incorporate them all. I think they will use the multiverse to account for much since rebooting twenty years of X-Men movies is a lot to take on. Rob said he was a fan of the MCU and that the Fox films varied in quality but reminded everybody that if not for the quality and box office of the first X-Men movie in 2000, there would have been no MCU from anybody. It reignited the comic book movie fire. Interesting how it all went down.


Anybody catch the first couple of episodes of WandaVision? Wife and I only watched the first episode last night, and there's a lot to take in. It's definitely not your typical show, but I like it and will continue to see where it goes.


Senior Audioholic
Anybody catch the first couple of episodes of WandaVision? Wife and I only watched the first episode last night, and there's a lot to take in. It's definitely not your typical show, but I like it and will continue to see where it goes.
My son and I are going to watch a few episodes tonight. Can't wait.


Audioholic Spartan
I enjoyed them. Lots to pick up from the comics and classic tv. Interested to see how it opens up.


Senior Audioholic
I enjoyed them. Lots to pick up from the comics and classic tv. Interested to see how it opens up.
First two episodes were very good. My son and I thoroughly enjoyed them. *****SPOLIERS*****

It all has something to do with HYDRA. The commercial in the 2nd episode for the men's watch, was a "Strucker" AKA Baron Struker. He was the guy in Avengers: Age of Ultron, who was experimenting on Wanda and her brother Pietro


First two episodes were very good. My son and I thoroughly enjoyed them. *****SPOLIERS*****

It all has something to do with HYDRA. The commercial in the 2nd episode for the men's watch, was a "Strucker" AKA Baron Struker. He was the guy in Avengers: Age of Ultron, who was experimenting on Wanda and her brother Pietro
I read an article that says there are a bunch of easter eggs throughout the first two episodes. The article didn't mention hexagons, but if you look out for them, there are at least a couple of hexagon references throughout the first two episodes. I'm only a casual fan of Marvel, so not sure if they mean anything or not.


Senior Audioholic
I read an article that says there are a bunch of easter eggs throughout the first two episodes. The article didn't mention hexagons, but if you look out for them, there are at least a couple of hexagon references throughout the first two episodes. I'm only a casual fan of Marvel, so not sure if they mean anything or not.
More spoilers, kind of:



Senior Audioholic
Just a casual fan, so I had never heard of that before. Don't want to say too much for those that haven't seen it, but the show is a quirky take on both marvel and sitcoms.
It's really good. I'm loving it. Too bad they're only releasing 1 episode a week now, and they're only ~30 mins long.

My wife is the same way, just a casual Marvel fan so she didn't pick up on any of the Easter eggs. My son and I were geeking out.

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