u-571 where ma bass?



Full Audioholic
ok... where are the killer bits and pieces in this DVD for BASS??? I watched this movie the other weekend and I was hardly impressed with the output. I did notice that I accidently powered off my SVS at some point... I don't remember when.... So perhaps it wasn't on... but I was less then impressed..

Could it be a different DVD? I thought there was only 1 release.

Hope it was just lack of power to my sub...

If someone has tracks/locations of the specific depth charge scenes that would be great. Otherwise I'll hunt and peck tonight :)


Go to the scene selections and go to the depth charge scene!


Audioholic Ninja
ducker said:
ok... where are the killer bits and pieces in this DVD for BASS??? I watched this movie the other weekend and I was hardly impressed with the output. I did notice that I accidently powered off my SVS at some point... I don't remember when.... So perhaps it wasn't on... but I was less then impressed..

Could it be a different DVD? I thought there was only 1 release.

Hope it was just lack of power to my sub...

If someone has tracks/locations of the specific depth charge scenes that would be great. Otherwise I'll hunt and peck tonight :)
Ironically, I just watched that movie. Depth charge scenes are in chapter 15. You don't have an index? You should be getting walloped by bass in those scenes. :eek: :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
Where's your SPL meter?

Is your receiver setup correctly?

Try out Incredibles....if you don't get bass in that, then something's wrong :D


Full Audioholic
oh no no.. I'm getting Bass in general.. I just didn't get it two weeks ago when I watched U-571... Now last weekend I was watching Blade II, and was like... hm, this soundtrack is rather flat... I thought the Blade series had decent LFE... about 20min in to Blade: Trinity (right after watching Blade II) I turned around and checked out my sub... no power!!! What !!!! the power was totally out of the back of the sub!! I plugged it in and found my Bass. - So I know I didn't blow it during the watching of U-571.

So all of this might be a simple over exaguration... and I simply didn't have my sub powered. I might not of noticed it getting unplugged, for the week between U-571, and Blade, just because I didn't get a chance to listen to any music or movies during that time. And I hardly hear any sub with regular TV...
those AS-F2's have nice range :)

I figured some of you major bass heads would know the specific tracks/min:sec to look for the pounding :D

I'll give it a go tonight... Depth Charges
Last edited:


Full Audioholic
It will also depend if your speakers are set to large or small.


Full Audioholic
believe my fronts are set to small.
I checked out the DVD again last night... It seemed to be right on. What I noticed was at -20, it wasn't house shaking. So I started over again at -15... WHOA.. what a difference 5db made... I doubt I would push any higher then -15 for that scene...

I haven't balanced my system, but this was the first time that I noticed a problem with LFE at a "lower"(??!??) volues. I didn't think -20 would really be considered "low".

Overall I tend to watch movies at 85db.


Full Audioholic
does this make sense to anyone else? the whole volume thing?


Audioholic Field Marshall
ducker said:
does this make sense to anyone else? the whole volume thing?
It doesn't to me. It should be more linear than not. I'd use an SPL meter and match the lolume of all your speakers. Many like to boost the bass so try the sub set to +4 above your other speakers and see if you like that. I'd match the volume using the gain on the sub and then boost it with the gain on the receiver to the +4 if that makes sense. I've been watching this thread because other members recommended this movie for incredible bass. I have a new SVS PB12-ISD the the depth charge scenes literally rocked my house so I thought it was odd that your setup didn't.


Full Audioholic
Duff, where do you have the gain on your sub??? 50%? higher/lower? I think mine is right around 45% (about 11:30 if it was a clock dial)

I haven't tweeked the levels on my receiver. If I listen to something like LoTR it's quite strong regardless of being played at 80db or 85db.

I guess I REALLY need to find that SPL meter :) maybe someone will help me out in the "classifieds"


Audioholic Field Marshall
ducker said:
Duff, where do you have the gain on your sub??? 50%? higher/lower? I think mine is right around 45% (about 11:30 if it was a clock dial)

I haven't tweeked the levels on my receiver. If I listen to something like LoTR it's quite strong regardless of being played at 80db or 85db.

I guess I REALLY need to find that SPL meter :) maybe someone will help me out in the "classifieds"
Like Brian suggested go to Radio Shack. Shoot you could even go buy one, adjust your system and then return it. Not that I would recommend that. ;)

Mine is set about the same as yours, 11 to 11:30. Once you purchase an SPL meter you will always have it. Then you can go adjust your friends systems and they will think you are a real HT genius.


Full Audioholic
none of my friends have systems I'd adjust :)
One has a really nice system with a pair of nice planar fronts (I think that's what they are called) But then has crap everwhere else... bose center (he wanted the low profile), bose rears, and I don't even think he has a sub.

But his fronts are really nice :) big... kinda ugly... but nice. actually I didn't think they were ugly before - when I was just out of college... but now with a house and all :) hehe


Old thread I know but yes where is the bass is the depth charged scene on DVD better or bluray?
I have bluray and nothing happens.


Seriously, I have no life.
Old thread I know but yes where is the bass is the depth charged scene on DVD better or bluray?
I have bluray and nothing happens.
Old thread? It is ancient. :D
It's been a very long time since I saw it on BD so I don't remember anymore.
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
Old thread? It is ancient. :D
It's been a very long time since I saw it on BD so I don't remember anymore.
Same here. I know some movies did get neutered when they got transferred to BD from dvd. Master and commander being the worst one I can think of. I do have U-571 on dvd and despite having extension to about 14hz, I’ve never been blown away by the depth charges. They are OK, and I love the movie, but I have many other choices for deep bass. The aforementioned Master and commander(dvd of course lol) for one!


Audioholic Intern
Old thread I know but yes where is the bass is the depth charged scene on DVD better or bluray?
I have bluray and nothing happens.
Funny you posted this. About a week ago, I literally blew the dust off the Blu-ray case and watched it. I really like the movie. When I got to the depth charge scene, it was not what I remembered. I actually checked to make sure all of my subs were off standby mode and working.

In my case, I have SIGNIFICANTLY upgraded my subwoofer setup since the last time watched it. U571 was impressive before, because the of limits of my old subwoofer. Now that’s not the case, and I’m getting the full bass spectrum. Many other movies have significantly better bass… my favorite being the beginning of “Blade Runner, 2049”. I can only watch that movie when the wife isn’t home.

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