Home Theater Dimensions



<font color='#000000'>For some time now I've been mulling over this concept. Why is it, apart from aesthetics, would you want your home theater to be a rectangle where the length (L) is 1.5-2x the width(W)? I have seen numerous photos on the internet of people adding on a room to their existing homes for a dedicated HT and conforming to this formula. They sometimes end up with main speakers as little as 5-6 ft apart. It appears to me that spatial separation is compromised in this kind of set-up. Sure you can digitally delay the signal, but wouldn't it be better to do it naturally with a W of greater dimension? Do movies digital surround effects compensate for a narrow soundstage? Since most receivers do not process 6-channel Hi-rez sound in the digital domain, then increasing the W of your home theater should be a simple way of dramatically adding to the enveloping, expansive nature of multi-ch DVD-A/SACDs. It appears to me that a better formula would be to keep the same square footage, but make the dimensions more akin to a square.</font>


Audioholic Chief
<font color='#000000'>Hi
There are forumula's for room dimensions to minimize room modes &nbsp;There are a great number of variables &nbsp;
It is best to try to stay away from a &quot;square box&quot; type room
The Showroom I am Currently building will have Keystoned walls and I used Room calculation software for size,seating distance,acoustics and spl Freq charts &nbsp;and to figure out
my type of furniture I used the furniture as absorbers and
diffusers and will place them at key positions
The Room is the single most important part of your system
and is oftem the most overlooked &nbsp;a simple move of the furniture, adding a throw rug (yes even one on top of your allready installed carpet &nbsp;) the addition of a little acoustical
material at the first relection or even a small move of the listening position can all make major improvements.</font>

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