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RPG Diffusor Systems

by September 09, 2005
Filed under: Miscellaneous

[102_02351] [102_0236] RPG showed off a number of unique diffusion and diffusion/absorption solutions. On display were a number of unique wood diffusion/absorption solutions in a wide range of shapes, designs, and colors. An interesting fiberglass diffuser/absorber combo was on hand sporting a perforated rigid cover over a fiberglass backing.

Also shown was an interesting solution for rooms with large windows - clear room treatments! In a variety of thicknesses and patterns, each treatment is designed to diffuse/absorb sound while letting light pass through. The most impressive was a thin solution that could be mounted on a frame and stretched across the window area. Increased effectiveness can be achieved by adding additional layers.

For additional information, visit http://www.rpginc.com .

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As Associate Editor at Audioholics, Tom promises to the best of his ability to give each review the same amount of attention, consideration, and thoughtfulness as possible and keep his writings free from undue bias and preconceptions. Any indication, either internally or from another, that bias has entered into his review will be immediately investigated. Substantiation of mistakes or bias will be immediately corrected regardless of personal stake, feelings, or ego.

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