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There has never been a better time to rent

by November 06, 2007
Fight for your right to 0.000001% of DVD sales!

Fight for your right to 0.000001% of DVD sales!

The WGA strike is on folks, and they're reporting that this one could be a doozie. The last WGA strike went on for 22 weeks (that's an entire season of shows) and cost the industry an estimated $500 million dollars. This one could double that figure. What are they striking about? Internet and DVD percentages (they dropped the DVD demand but are sticking on the Internet). They want more. At this point, if you are anything like me, your only reaction is apathy and dread - Apathy over the arguments of people richer than me trying to screw each other out of millions of dollars and dread on the impending onslaught of "reality" TV that will inevitably replace your favorite shows. Dancing with the Stars, Pirate Master, Survivor, Surviving Dancing with the Pirate Master… it looks to be one big suckfest. Unless you're in to "reality" TV in which case Christmas came early for you.

For the rest of us, it's time to catch up on all those shows that you missed the first time around. Maybe you'd like to watch every episode of Seinfeld, the entire original Star Trek run (or if you're a glutton for punishment you can watch Deep Space Nine and see what all the hardcore Trekies are talking about), the Sopranos, or maybe something new. Nowadays they are releasing the season on DVD before the next season comes out to draw in new viewers. I've never been one to watch TV shows on DVD but with the strike, I'm adjusting my Netflix list. Maybe all watch the entire series of Farscape (I missed a lot of those) or give Battlestar Galactica (the new one) another chance (kind of hated the first season and dropped it). Maybe this is blessing in disguise.


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As Associate Editor at Audioholics, Tom promises to the best of his ability to give each review the same amount of attention, consideration, and thoughtfulness as possible and keep his writings free from undue bias and preconceptions. Any indication, either internally or from another, that bias has entered into his review will be immediately investigated. Substantiation of mistakes or bias will be immediately corrected regardless of personal stake, feelings, or ego.

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